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Science Tokyo Writing Center

Science Tokyo Writing Center provides services during the spring break (weekdays, online only).
Should you wish to use the service, please contact the center's email address ( *Replace "_at_" with @).

Please include the following information:
  • Name and student number
  • First, second, or third choice of preferred date and time
  • Preferred language: Japanese or English
  • Language of text: Japanese or English
  • Topic (title of text, theme, etc.)
    *We may not be able to respond to your request depending on the situation.

Science Tokyo Writing Center is a consultation facility where students can receive assistance with writing assignments through dialogic sessions with tutors who have been trained in academic writing and peer-reviewing skills (graduate students belonging to the University).
Prease use the form below to make a reservation.

◆Reservations (for in-person sessions)
(1) Choose the tutor type you prefer (JJ, EJ, EE) in the Science Tokyo WCR reservation system above (「ご予約内容の選択」).
(2) Choose the session period available in the calendar.
(3) After you send your information, you will receive the booking confirmation.
(4) Fill in writer's information sheet and get ready for your session.
(5) Start the session with your tutor.

◆Reservations (for online sessions)
(1) Choose the tutor type you prefer (JJ, EJ, EE) in the Science Tokyo WCR reservation system above (「ご予約内容の選択」).
(2) Choose the session period available in the calendar.
(3) After you send your information, you will receive the booking confirmation.
(4) Request the ZOOM link in Slack #st-writingcenter-online application no later than 3 days before your session. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
(5) A few hours before the session. the tutor will send you the ZOOM link.
(6) Join the ZOOM session before the scheduled session time.
(7) At the session time, meet with the tutor via ZOOM, complete the survey.
(8) Start the session with your tutor.

◆Tutor categories
JJ (Japanese paper discussed in Japanese language)
EJ (English paper discussed in Japanese language)
EE (English paper discussed in English language)

◆We will accept your reservation one hour before start.
◆If there are no reservations made by other users, you can come to the center on the day of the session; please come directly to the study consultation booth on Taki Plaza B1 to confirm that nobody has a reservation yet and to have a session.
◆Science Tokyo Writing Center is a service only available for Science Tokyo students, faculty and staff. Tutors may require the writer to show their student ID at the beginning of the session.

Time: Monday - Friday 10:45 - 17:05 (subject to change)
        Our opening hours follow the university calender.
Duration: 50 minutes per session
Place: Taki Plaza, B1 Floor
If you wish to go online: Please fill out and submit the form via Slack at least 3 days in advance (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
Contact: *Replace "_at_" with @
Please note the following points before you make an appointment for a tutorial:

Adopting an understanding that the writer should take ownership of the writing process, our tutors respect the writer’s worries, ideas, and discoveries. In dialogic tutorials, those receiving tutoring will undergo substantial growth as academic writers by identifying ambiguities in their own writing and coming up with solutions on their own.

By honing writing skills through their own discoveries, not only will the writers make improvements to the writing assignment at hand, but they will also be able to take strides toward becoming autonomous writers who can produce well-deliberated texts on their own when they work on future writing assignments.

◆Session duration: 50 minutes at the most (In person: 50 minutes, in person (during lunch break): 45 minutes, online 40 minutes)

◆Type of text
In principle, we cater to all kinds of academic writing needs in both humanities and sciences, provided that they are part of your coursework at Science Tokyo. These include but are not limited to the following:
course papers, book reviews, Liberal Arts final reports (kyoyo sotsuron), undergraduate theses, journal articles, Master’s theses, Doctoral dissertations, Personal statements, and Presentation drafts (we can also accommodate requests to watch a rehearsal) etc.

◆Stage of writing
You can benefit from a tutorial at any stage of the writing process, so we welcome you to make an appointment at any of the following stages:
brainstorming, rough draft, first draft, finalization, final draft, and submitted draft.

◆Amount of writing
There are no restrictions in terms of the amount of writing you may bring along. However, given the time limitations, you may be asked to focus on a particular section of your writing in each session.

◆Digital or printed copy
Please print and bring a copy of the text for the tutor to make the tutoring process easier.

We cater to both Japanese and English texts. In principle, we will not do grammar or other types of corrections for you, as our goal is to help you become an independent writer. That being said, we are happy to teach you how to improve on these aspects of writing by yourself.

We will also consider providing services outside of our opening hours, such as during summer and winter vacations (weekdays, online only). Please contact the center's email address ( *Replace "_at_" with @). Please include the following information:
-Name and student number
-First, second, or third choice of preferred date and time
-Preferred language: Japanese or English
-Language of text: Japanese or English
Topic (title of text, theme, etc.)
        *We may not be able to respond to your request depending on the situation.

リベラルアーツ研究教育院 東京科学大学
東京科学大学 リベラルアーツ研究教育院 外国語セクション
The Foreign Languages Section of the Institute for Liberal Arts, Science Tokyo